"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. ~ Abraham Lincoln.
It's often been said, you're only as good as your tools. And even though a keen mind and an even keener pen (or computer these days) are still the main tools of a writer or blogger in 2018, there are others out there.
Which is the problem. How do you know which to use?
If you tried them all, you'd never write or publish a thing. And if you ignored them all, well, that's not a smart move either. The serious writer or blogger of today needs to know where the advantages are, what the competition is using.
And there's no point in sharpening an axe if it's a bandsaw you need.
Which is why we here at Write to Done have put together this resource for the serious writer or blogger. To lead you safely through the minefield of tools out there.
The Write To Done team have included all their favorites, many of which they use on a daily basis. The list is not exhaustive, we'll add to it as we go.
If you have a favorite tool not listed here, add it in the comments and if we can, we'll get hold of it and give it a test run. If it measures up, we'll add it to the next update.
In the meantime help your fellow writers and bloggers and share this resource around.
Scrivener is a word processor and project management tool that stays with you from that first, unformed idea all the way through to the final draft.
Outline and structure your ideas, take notes, view research alongside your writing and compose the constituent pieces of your text in isolation or in context.
Scrivener won't tell you how to write—it just makes all the tools you have scattered around your desk available in one application.
Scrivener is one of my key tools as a writer.
You can use it for fiction as well as for non-fiction. I’m using the novel template to keep myself on track.
In fact, I learned to use it in just a few days with the easy course Write Faster with Scrivener (see below)
Here's a post I made showing how I personally use Scrivener to not only to write faster, but also to write better: How To Write Faster With Scrivener
At only $45 Scrivener really is a steal. If you are serious about writing, I can't recommend it highly enough.
How you can get Scrivener to do exactly what you want and accelerate your writing career in less than 1 week
Finally...get the secret weapon every successful writer uses to publish their books, finish their novels, and have their work seen by hundreds...even millions of people...every single day
This is one of the most useful courses I’ve taken as a writer. I learned how to get started with Scrivener and then learned more advanced tips to get the most of the software. I highly recommend this course!
Student: $127
Rockstar: $197
Ninja: $297
Evernote is like having a second brain. You can capture, organize, and share notes from anywhere. Your best ideas are always with you and always in sync.
Many writers swear by Evernote. It's a top tool for every writer, researcher, or blogger.
Evernote is free!
What's the point in writing your blog post, sales page or book if no one reads it? Writing eye-catching headlines, offers and book titles is part art, part science. All of the tools below will help you with both.
It won’t tell you if your headline is creatively genius, but it will give you an idea if it’s along the right lines.
One of the best free tools out there to check whether your headline is likely to get clicked.
FREE with sign up
Online tool
This headline analyzer is really useful if you are trying to target a particular audience with your headline (which, of course, you should be) - it tries to analyze what type of person - intellectual/spiritual etc - your headline will appeal to.
Used in conjunction with coshcedule analyzer it can really help craft better headlines.
Online tool
Ok, I'm not suggesting you go out and create linkbait articles 🙂 Use this simple, fun tool to generate ideas you might not have thought about and then craft your own compelling versions.
Despite it name, this handy little tool can actually come up with some good building blocks.
Online tool
This tool is excellent if you just want to create a list of ideas you can spark off. And sometimes it will come up with exactly what you are looking for.
Use this simple tool to generate ideas you might not have thought about and then craft your own compelling versions.
Online tool
A fun idea generator that might just come up with that oddball suggestion that you need.
Just pop your keywords(s) in. Couldn't be simpler.
Online tool
The definitive list of headline 'formula' from one of the greatest headline writers of today - Jon Morrow.
You need to sign up for this resource, but it’s worth it. Jon is simply one of the most gifted headline creators around and this resource gives you simple templates that work time and time again. Invaluable!
FREE with sign up
Online tool
This tool will help you spot many readability issues you might otherwise miss. You don’t have to go with its suggestions, but it’s handy to be aware of them.
Just paste in the passage you want analyzed and away you go
Online tool
If you need some block text to see how an article will look or to build a new web page this tool will not only generate lorum ipsum block text for you, but also tells you all about the history. Fascinating!
I've actually used this tool numerous times when building web pages and sorting out the layout of a book.
Online tool
We all need a Thesaurus from time to time and this one is pretty good.
Simple to use and pretty comprehensive -and it's free!
Online tool
This is quite a simple online grammar checker but if you just want the bare bones, it might do nicely.
Again, just paste in your selection and away you go.
Online tool

There's a basic free version or the pro version that will not only make suggestions about spelling and grammar, but style and a whole lot more.
If you're in the market for an all in one tool that will save you the labor (and stress) of manually checking your writing, then Grammarly is probably the tool for you.
FREE and PAID versions ($11.66/month)
There's a free online version, a browser extension or you can buy the paid version
I’m always recommending Hemmingway’s rules for more powerful writing. Now you can test your work against his rules for simple, clear writing with this handy app for PC or MAC.
You'll probably love or hate it 🙂
$19.99 for desktop app.
Plagiarism affects many writers on the web, most of whom aren't even aware of it.
This simple tool is a good start to combating the problem.
Paste the text in to the box and you're good to go.
Online tool
Another plagiarism checker, copyscape is perhaps the best known. Not only will it check two articles side by side for differences, it will also check the web.
There’s a free version or a paid version and they even have a version that will check for plagiarism of your work round the clock! Well worth it if you value your writing.
All versions are easy to use and are invaluable in checking if an article is unique.
The only confusing thing about these products is the different versions and pricing.
Copyscape Sentry:
Standard: Pages checked every week
$4.95/month for up to 10 pages.
$0.25/month per additional page.
Professional: Pages checked every day
$19.95/month for up to 10 pages.
$1.00/month per additional page.

Mind maps are essential tools for brainstorming blog articles or creating outlines for books. There are several out there, most of which have free and paid versions. Mindmeister is one of the best.
The advantage of Mindmeister is that you can invite others (even if they do not have a Mindmeister account) to collaborate on your maps and you can hold meetings in real time where the team can work on the map together.
I use Mindmeister all the time. My maps are repositories of ideas, projects, and information. I gather all my ideas (and also the ideas of team members) and also upload files to relevant maps.
Best of all, I enjoy using Mindmeister maps collaboratively. A mindmap is a great basis for a meeting because it heightens creativity and enables each team member to actively participate in creating the respective mind map.
The Personal version is $4.99/month. The Professional version $8.49/month.

Coggle is another mind mapping tool. It has a simple interface that hides a wealth of options.
The advantage of using Coggle is that it has a free version. But all the mindmaps you create will be public. If you want want to create private mindmaps, you’ll need to choose the paid version
Paid version is $5/month
Google Trends is an offshoot of Google Search. It shows how often a particular search-term is entered relative to the total search-volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages.
This can be really useful to find out what the latest 'hot' topic is. Or to find out if your topic is actually becoming less popular.
FREE with Google account
Online tool
Adwords is simply the ultimate go to tool for research on keywords. You need a google account but if you have gmail or a YouTube account, then you’re good to go!
Finding keyword suggestions as well as volume and other data is fairly straightforward.
FREE with Google account
Online tool

Use Longtail Pro’s step-by-step system to discover thousands of profitable, targeted keywords and calculate Keyword Competitiveness for almost any niche.
LongtailPro is a great way to find good keywords to get to the top of Google’s search pages. They’ve recently redesigned it and it works really well. I wasn’t always a great fan of Long Tail Pro but it’s now matured into a very useful tool. And it’s much better than any of the free tools I’ve come across! I suggest getting the free 7 day trial to test it.
FREE trial then PAID
Free trial then:
Starter Plan $25/month
Pro plan : $45/month
Love it or hate it, SEO is essential if you want to rank your article or site. And Google Webmasters Tools is essential for anyone who is serious about SEO.
Google's webmaster tools aren't for the fainthearted. There is a scary amount of data and options, none of which is particularly intuitive. However, they have a lot of useful articles and videos on how to get started.
FREE with Google account
Most people already have a Google account -gmail or YouTube for instance.

Get insights into your competitors’ strategies in display advertising, organic and paid search, and link building.
SemRush is pretty much the industry standard for many serious bloggers.
FREE Trial then PAID
Free 7 day trial then:
Pro: $99
Guru $199
I've mentioned a couple of their online tools before. If you want your blog to rank in your niche, you need to know your competition. Small seo tools supply a few tools for free, all of them useful and easy to use.
These tools are not as fully featured as some of the paid tools, but they'll get you started.
Most of these tools you can use online without an account.
If you want people to share your article or new book then give them all the help you can. This cool tool creates shareable links to twitter/faceboook/google + and pinterest that you can send out in your emails.
I use this all the time to make it a no-brainer share my articles. It's one of the most useful free tools out there.
Online tool
The easiest way to promote, share & track
your content on Twitter.
I use this all the time to create click to tweet text and images like this one .
Online tool

If you’re serious about your blogging career than buzzsumo is close to essential. Not only will it tell you the most popular posts/videos/interviews etc in any niche, but it will also tell you who shared those items.
With this information you know not only WHAT is popular in your niche, but also WHO is sharing it!
Some of the most successful (and high earning) bloggers use Buzzsumo. Indeed, at the moment, I don't know of any alternative that does the job. Pure gold!
All this amazing information comes at a price. There’s a free 30 day version, but after that it’s $79 a month. Expensive? maybe.Worth it? Definitely!

A WordPress plugin that adds beautiful, lightning-fast social share buttons to your website or blog.
I use the Social Warfare plugin on all my sites because it has a the best scrolling sharebar AND you can show the Twitter share count numbers! Check out their free trial
FREE Trial then PAID
$29/yr (free trial)

Hootsuite is a social media management platform. It supports social network integrations for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and many more.
My editor, Laura, has used this fro many years and rates it highly.
FREE Trial then PAID
$16/month (free trial)

To make the most out of Twitter, you need to have some of the best tools in your arsenal. One thing that could skyrocket your Twitter marketing efforts is the use of an automation tool.
Social Oomph is a really useful social media tool. You can schedule Twitter and Facebook.
FREE Trial then PAID
$29/yr (free trial)

Buffer is a simpler and easier way to schedule posts, track the performance of your content, and manage all your accounts in one place.
Buffer automates your social media posting, saving you a load of time and work.
And there's a free, if limited account.
Free account available
$10 for 'Awesome'
$99 for 'Small'
The book publishing industry has gone through a revolution in the last decade with the advent of self-publishing. Whether you want to self-publish or not, there's an almost limitless choice for readers out there today.
If you want your book to stand out, you need smart tools to do the job faster and better. Below are some of the best tools in the industry to help you do just that.

Reverse Engineer The 'Best-Selling' Categories With A Single Click
Browse any category in the Amazon Kindle marketplace and in the background, KDSPY will 'automatically' reverse engineer the best sellers. When you want more information about a Kindle category, just click on KDSPY and in mere seconds, you'll know the landscape of that category and the potential profit you could make here, along with a breakdown of each individual books performance.
Along with Kindle Rocket below, probably 'the fastest, most accurate way to identify 'Bestselling Kindle Niches’. '
This software
‘reverse engineers’ Kindle categories In seconds to find your next ‘bestselling' book idea.
$47 one off payment with lifetime updates
Not sure what to write about? Don’t worry, KDP Rocket will help you find profitable book ideas with a pre-existing hungry market ready to buy your book.
I’ve recently bought this program and am totally blown away by it! It’s quite simply a must-buy if you are serious about writing, publishing, and promoting a book! You won’t believe how much information this program spits out!
KDP Rocket is a simple to use software that works on both Mac and PC and helps authors validate their book ideas, find profitable niches and keywords, and research the book market.

Amazon Ads service is something Amazon self-published authors just can't ignore.
Not only does it let you get your book in front of more potenital readers, if used right it can dramatically improve your sales.
The course is very straightforward and broken up into easy to digest modules.
If you've never tried amazon Ads before or if you've tried and couldn't get it to work for you, this is an excellent FREE course.
Delivered to your inbox.
All the research in the world, even with the great tools listed above, wont help unless you've mastered the art of writing. Below are son great writing courses designed to turbocharge your writing.
These four courses are all taught by experts. They are particularly valuable for those of us who want to learn to write for the screen, or TV or to learn dramatic writing.
They’re beautifully produced with multiple videos with lifetime access. Click on any of these links to check them out (play the videos to get some hot tips straight away.

This is a great course where James reveals a lot of his secrets for becoming a blockbuster author.
Difficult to criticize the advice of a 19 times New York No.1 Best Selling author 🙂

This is an amazing chance to learn from a Pulitzer prize winner, the creator of Glengarry Glen Ross and American Buffalo.
It would be hard to imagine anyone more qualified to teach dramatic writing than David Mamet

Learn how to write for television from the creator of Grey's Anatomy.
Shaonda has written some of televisions biggest hit shows, so there's no doubting her expertise.

It's difficult to believe that there's anything about writing screenplays that Aaaron doesn't know and can't teach.
It's difficult to believe that there's anything about writing screenplays that Aaaron doesn't know and can't teach.
Have you ever visited a site and found you couldn’t access it? Maybe it was your own site! Just pop the URL into the search box and this tool will tell you if the site is actually down for everyone, or if it’s your end that’s got the problem.
TIP: If you find it’s only your end, it’s often a browser cache issue. Try clearing your cache. If that doesn’t work, try shutting everything down and then starting it uo again.
Online tool

Cheap domain names.
The name says it all 🙂
They also do cheap hosting and other related services.
FREE to search
It's obviously free to search for the availability of a particular name but then you'll have to pay for that domain.
Domains start at $0.48/year, but you'll probably have to pay a little more for something desirable.

Another good cheap domain name source.
In addition to NameCheap, I also use CrazyDomains, especially if I want a domain name that isn’t the usual .com, .net, etc. For example, I recently bought the domain writetodone.university for the courses we are producing.
Free to search
.coms from around $2/year. Again you may have to pay more for something useable.

This is an excellent hosting provider, especially if you want to create a bigger site,
You get 1-click WordPress installs and free transfer.
From $3.95 per month

This is a good hosting company for small to medium size websites
I've used this hosting company for many different websites and I like their ease of use. An important tip is to get the free domain AND the hosting together.
From $3.95 per month

My editor, Laura, recommended Hostgator as a great hosting company if your just starting out.
Hostgator are affordable and have great customer service. Since Laura used them they have been taken over but still definitely worth a look if
From $2.78 per month for their 'hatchling' plan, $3.98 for their 'baby' plan and $5.98 a month for their 'business' plan.