Many creatives want to launch a writing career, but taking the steps to do so is a frequent roadblock. The good news is, if you want to launch a writing career and are committed to doing so, you’re likely to succeed.
Of course, the definition of success is subjective to each writer, but with the proper guidance, execution, and willingness for feedback, there are steps you can take today to help launch a writing career you love.
In this article, I discuss the ten tips that can help, how to start freelance writing, and how to start a book. Whether you want to work full-time as a freelancer or as an author, you can use these tips to help you begin your journey.
Launch A Writing Career With These 10 Tips
Learning how to launch a writing career can feel overwhelming, but by following a few tips, you can take long strides toward your goal. Let’s start off with the basics and then move into your mindset.
#1 – Learn Writing Rules
Whether you knew there were writing rules or this is the first time hearing about them, writing rules matter. You may dream of starting a career writing fiction, articles, or short stories. Regardless of your chosen path, learning the rules is imperative.
Show don’t tell, writing actively, focusing on strong nouns and verbs over numbers adjectives, and mastering the art of point-of-view are a few rules that will take your writing to the next level.
#2 – Commit To Becoming A Self-Editor
Everyone who wants to launch a writing career starts with some form of a rough draft. However, just because you start with a rough draft doesn’t mean you need to submit your rough draft. Learn to edit your own work until it is as perfect as you can make it—only then should you submit it to an agent, editor, client, or publish it.
#3 – Practice Every Day
When I first started music lessons as a child, my instructor recommended I practice a little bit every day, rather than cram my practice in on the weekend. You can apply this routine to writing as well. The more frequently you immerse yourself in the craft the quicker you will grow.
#4 – Test Your Work
It can feel intimidating, even scary, to share your work with others, but small tests are helpful ways to track your progress. Consider sharing a part of your work via a social media caption. Test how viewers react. Does it resonate? Do they want to read more? With your newfound data, continue your journey to launch a writing career.
#5 – Consider Investing In A Mentorship
Particularly early on, working with a coach, mentor, or instructor can help you as you guide yourself in the right direction. There are many writers who are just enough steps ahead of you that they can:
- Relate to where you are in your journey
- Help you effectively move forward
I’ve found investing in mentors is well worth it.
#6 – Make Use Of Beta Readers
Beta readers read your work before it is published for the purpose of providing you with helpful feedback. Other writers are often eager to provide this service free of charge, especially if you have some form of previously established relationship.
#7 – Treat Your Work Like It’s Your Primary Income
If you want to launch a writing career that can one day replace your current income, treat your side hustle with seriousness. Prioritize your paid work, but devote the necessary time to your writing.
#8 – Establish Healthy Habits
Simple, healthy habits help you succeed long term. To launch a writing career you can sustain, don’t forest to invest in an ergonomic keyboard, comfortable writing chair, and paying attention to maintaining correct posture.
#9 – Talk About Your Work
Word of mouth is one of the best marketing tactics we have today. The more you talk about how you want to launch a writing career, the more networking possibilities you will gain.
#10 – Focus On The Long Game
Overnight successes usually take years, if not decades, of work. Don’t give up.
How To Start Freelance Writing
To launch a writing career that focuses on the freelance niché, you will need to focus on learning the art of copywriting. Writing as a freelancer often comes down to writing words that translate into revenue for your customer. To give yourself the best chance at success, study:
- Marketing
- Psychology
- Interpersonal relationships
- Your target audience’s pain points
Next, reach out to brands you are familiar with and offer your services. If you have previous work or maintain a professional website, consider adding a portfolio page where you can showcase your work to build credibility.
And finally, remember to keep track of your contacts. The one-off gig you did may not feel important in the moment, but you never know how your contact could come in handy in the future. In other words, don’t burn your bridges, but work to keep them standing strong.
How To Start A Book
If you desire to launch a writing career as an author, your journey will look quite a bit different. Whether you choose to self-publish or traditionally publish, you will need to work through the following steps:
- Identify the book idea you are most passionate about
- Write and edit your book
- Brainstorm your marketing strategy
However, without actually starting your book, the above points won’t prove helpful. So, how do you start writing your book?
- Condense your ideas into one, primary idea
- Usually it’s best to choose the one you are most passionate about sharing
- Identify which perspective character should take center stage.
- Who has the most at stake?
- Who’s character arc will be most compelling?
- Spend time writing your first sentence
- Your first sentence must keep readers moving to the second sentence, third, and so forth.
- On page one, include the following:
- Setting
- Introduction to protagonist
- Story hook
- Any details pertinent to your specific first page
Once you start your book, you are well on your way to launch a writing career. Getting started is sometimes the most difficult step!
After You Launch A Writing Career: Steps For The Journey
Oftentimes, the journey up to the launch is exciting, filled with adrenaline, late nights, early mornings, and for some, quite a bit of caffeine. But if you plan to launch a writing career, what happens after you decide to sit down and just…start? This is where persistence, perseverance, and patience come in.
When it feels difficult to continue, persistently remind yourself why you started. This will help you refocus, re-engage, and re-commit.
No matter if you write books or articles, continuing to meet your daily word count goals can feel anything but glamorous. The writing life is often romanticized, and in many points it is, but it’s also grueling. Before you begin, commit to persevere.
Be Patient
And finally, be patient with your progress. Slow and steady often wins out over fast, overnight growth. Choose a pace you can sustain and be patient as you work, day by day, toward your goal. The journey may feel slow at times, but it it is so worth it!