When we asked you to nominate your favorite writing blog as one of the top 10 blogs for writers, we got a huge response! Great to see how passionate readers are about their favorite writing blog.
As you’ll see there are some previous winners, as well as some talented new bloggers in the top 10 of 2012.
How were the winners selected?
- Initial qualification: A site must have been nominated more than once by multiple individuals. If someone nominated more than one blog, only the first nomination was counted. Valid nominations needed to include the URL and give a reason why the nominated blog should be considered.
- Contest criteria: In order to be considered, a blog needed to be a writing blog. In order to qualify, at least 50% of posts needed to be about writing and not about freelancing, business, publishing etc.
- Blog-based analysis: Reader involvement: Comment numbers per post accounted for 15% of the total score. The number of nominations accounts for 15% of the total score. Number of shares on social media per post accounted for 15%. These three blog-based factors make up 45% of the final score.
- Quality of posts: Educational, useful, engaging, and discussion-creating posts were rated higher than self-promotional posts. The quality of posts accounts for 55% of the final score.
And the winners are …
Jeff Goins Writer
Positive Writer
The Creative Penn
Make a Living Writing
The Write Practice
Live Write Thrive
Moody Writing
The Romance University
The Renegade Writer
The Writers [Inner] Journey
Congratulations to all the winners!
The badge of distinction: If you are a winner, display the badge you see above on your blog and link the badge back to this page.
Readers, be sure to check out these awesome blogs!
And please help spread the word. Click the social media buttons to share this post with friends and fans.
We’ll be inviting the winners to guest post on WTD so that all our readers can get to know and enjoy these excellent bloggers.
Mary Jaksch, Chief Editor, Write to Done
Check out the winners of the Top 10 Blogs for Writers 2013