A note from the editor: Ever wanted to double your productivity as a writer? Most writers are familiar with various software designed to help us be more productive in one way or another. Obviously, Scrivener comes to mind. However, as a writer a ‘one solution fits all’ approach is rarely the best. Writers vary as much as readers do. So if you struggle with Scrivener, can’t make head or tails of Ulysses and your eyes glaze over at the mention of yWriter here are 8 little-known alternatives that might just double your productivity.
As a writer the most valuable resource you possess is time!
By managing time in the best possible manner, you can free yourself from the stress of missed deadlines, whether writing for yourself or for a client.
However, there are a multitude of distractions that hinder your efficiency as a writer. To complete a project successfully, you want tools and software that can ease the writing process and enrich your work with greater creativity. Before finalizing your writing project, make sure your content is unique. You can check plagiarism by using this tool: https://searchenginereports.net/plagiarism-checker/
The time has gone when all a writer had at their disposal was a pen and paper. Now there is a bewildering choice of software available. To help you navigate this minefield here is a list of 8 pro tools for creative writers.
Bibisco is easy to use software that facilitates writing stories and short scripts. It provides an efficient platform to compose novels of any category from fiction to nonfiction. It supports writers by offering them multiple formatting options and tools along with a huge gallery full of fonts to choose from.
The most effective features of the software is it’s ‘question’ mode. As you begin your story it will ask you a series of questions related to your main character or plot. These questions will let you take a deeper look at your draft and help make your novel more interesting, realistic and engaging.
Bibisco also highlights some key points to give you a broader idea about your plot from pinpointing different locations to questioning the different traits of your characters. Bibisco itself is multi-lingual, allowing you to select Czech, French, German, English, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Serbian, Spanish or Turkish. The whole package is so intuitive you rarely need to dive into the comprehensive instruction manual.
Manuskript is one of the most interesting tools out there and is particularly useful for novel writers. The tool works on the famous snowflake methodology and assists writers in structuring the main foundation of their plot.
During the writing process, the tool guides you through key points and gives you an overview of progress from time to time to let you know that you are on the right track. This type of guidance may not be for everyone, but it does help you stay grounded and not get swept away with your imagination.
The snowflake method helps you write your novel through a unique step by step process. First, you have to think about the plot and then choose your characters. Once all of this initial planning in written into the document, the software will then use this information to help you write a well- structured, engaging novel.
oStorybook is one of the most helpful and efficient scriptwriting tools for professional writers. The aim of the software is to assist you in forming different elements of your plot so that you can identify problems at an early stage. It offers a hierarchical tree to make it easy for you to see all plots, sub-plots and characters in one place.
Apart from helping writers during the scriptwriting process, the tool also looks for writing flaws including miss spelling, poor grammatical sentences and other structural issues. It also lets you create a professional PDF of your novel with expert layouts and formatting features.
An external feature of the tool is that it also helps you manage and organize your various projects across platforms.
Celtx is a scriptwriting software available online that is used by over 3000 writers. The software offers a fully-fledged platform that can be used for scripwriting, novels, video production and a whole lot more. Its cloud-based interface ensures unlimited storage and safekeeping for your work. You can even make pretty storyboards if you want.
From writing a complete novel to composing short stories, you can experiment using different techniques. Moreover, apart from offering a writing platform, it can be used to network and converse with your co-writers or team members.
For the technically minded, the best part about Celtx is that it offers IOS app integration such as Shots, Scout, Sides and Index Cards.
For all those who get easily distracted, here is the software for you. Highland utilizes only plain text and provides simple text editors for minimal distraction. However, you can easily move your data from one device to another without any data loss or hassle.
Highland offers inline notes through text and facilitates import and export from PDF and FDX (if you’re into scriptwriting). There are efficient search bars that are known as page jumpers. These let you scroll directly to the document you are looking for without going through the many related suggestions.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the tool is equipped with a huge range of features including a navigator that offers a roadmap to your entire plot. There is also a ‘bin’ facility, a sort of magical shelf that holds all your different versions and additions. The ‘Goals and Statistics’ feature lets you keep a track of your work and how many pages you have written so far. Additionally, the ‘Assets’ facility keeps a handy list of images you have used.
A further time saving feature is the ‘Scratch Pad’, a mini ‘sticky notebook’ that keeps all your extra material away from your main document. This allows you to work with more clarity. There is also a ‘Live Margin’ that gives you an overview of your script without confusing you with too much formatting. If, however, you want more rather than less, everything is customizable for the ‘Themes’ menu.
Trello is one of the best tool when it comes to organizing your writing workload. If you have a large team of creative writers on board that you have to manage along with composing plots and completing other projects, Trello is the best software to have. It facilitates users with a huge variety of options. As well as offering you options to compose a well-written novel, it will notify you about upcoming deadlines and the status of current projects
No matter where you are, its smart integrations let you handle your workload from most devices anywhere in the world.
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Trelby offers a speedy solution to write efficient scripts but can also de adapted for novel writing with its built in auto-correction, spell check, and guides to best grammar usage. Moreover, the tool also has an invaluable feature that tracks dialogue, location, and more to keep you and your novel on track.
Scribus is an open source desktop publishing solution. From designing book covers to adding graphics and layouts, the software has a huge range of services. Its tool renders professional quality artwork along with offering a broad range of color palettes. It incorporates powerful vector tools for drawing images and designing layouts. Moreover, it supports many common file types, color emulations and markup languages.
There you have it, 8 little-known tools to double your productivity as a writer. Let me know in the comments below your own favorite productivity software.