Would you like to write about your most-love pet?
Is there a story you remember about him or her?
Here is a pet story I came across recently:
When Moe, the dog died, three-year-old Luke Westbrook pined for his four-legged friend.
In the end, Luke’s mother came up with the idea to write a weekly letter to Moe together with Luke. She addressed it to:
Moe Westbrook,
Doggie Heaven
Cloud 1
Every week she secretly took the letter she had written out of the mail box, but one day she forgot and the mailman collected her letter.
To her amazement, she got an answer the very next day. Here is what it said:
You can imagine how much this meant to little Luke…!
Did you like this pet story? I thought it was charming.
Now it’s up to you. Here is a little challenge for you. 🙂
Creative writing exercises: What is YOUR pet story?
Whether your story is about a tiny pet…
Or about a huge pet…
… write a story about your favorite animal companion.
Write a story of not more than 300 words and paste it into the comment section. We might even be able to add an image to your comment if we can.
Send us a picture of your favorite pet to writetodone[at]gmail[dot]com. We’ll do our best to insert it into your comment.
About the author:
Mary Jaksch is Editor-in-Chief at Write to Done. Grab her FREE report How to Write Like an A-List Blogger. Mary has helped thousands of students successfully create outstanding and profitable blogs at A-List Blogging and is the blogger behind Goodlife ZEN.