Have you got a good handle on grammar and common word usage?
Take this quiz to see how sharp your grammar skills really are.
(If you’re reading this in an email, you need to click on the headline to access the quiz online.)
Warning: This quiz is just a little more challenging than the usual fare, so be sure you have plenty of time (about 20 minutes). It will show you whether you make common grammar mistakes.
There are twenty questions in this quiz.
Read each group of sentences carefully. Choose the correct sentence or best option.
Once you’ve clicked on your choice, you’ll automatically be taken to the next question.
You can assume punctuation is correct. (Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Rip me a new one in the comments if you think I’ve made a mistake. I’ll be delighted to give you the award for the sharpest eyes in the blogosphere.)
Be sure to read the explanations when you check your score. The explanations appear after you’ve completed all the questions.
Good luck!
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I’ll look forward to your questions and comments! Oh, and please do share this quiz on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or other social media.