21 Unexpected Places To Find Your Writer’s Muse

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Where do you find inspiration?

Where do you find inspiration?

Being a professional writer is exhausting.

You’re cranking out one great article after the other, constantly chasing deadlines and grasping new ideas.

You’re spending your days perched behind your tiny computer screen. It’s easy, then, to lose inspiration, motivation and to feel the occasional case of writer’s block.

That’s why it’s crucial to get away from the computer as often as possible. Even if we have the feeling that this is counterproductive and takes away from our productivity.

The truth is the best ideas, the highest epiphanies, usually bless us when we’re anywhere but near our desks.

So here are a few places for you to find your muse outside of your working space.

1. The gym

Most of my ideas come from testing my limits in the gym. There’s nothing more inspiring than breaking your mental and physical barriers. A regular visit to the gym will not only boost your confidence, it’ll also help you to get rid of frustration, anger and a lot of stirred-up emotion.

2. The mall

Going to the mall helps you to see what’s happening in people’s minds and what it is they care about. It may be superficial but the colors, the decorations and the stores will give you plenty of new insights.

3. The train station

Seeing people come and go, hearing the goodbyes and hellos and experiencing the busy jumble of a train station provides lots of great information for every writer’s brain.

4. The airport

Airports are often filled with even more emotion than train stations and I love watching people hug, cry and rejoice. Just like it’s shown at the beginning of “Love, actually”, I believe that in airports you see that love is, actually, all around. And what better emotion to inspire us than love, right?

5. The beach

This might be a cliche, but it’s nonetheless a true source of inspiration. Being at the beach, listening to the waves crash against the sand, seeing the beautiful colors of the ocean and hearing the seagulls squawk relaxes your body, mind and soul. This clears the way for a splash of beautiful words.

6. The rooftop

Standing on the rooftop of a skyscraper, seeing a city from above, puts life into perspective and often presents a wave of fresh ideas.

7. The city

The buzz of a city, the noise, the voices and the fast-paced character of life offers great material to write about. Open your eyes when you walk through the streets. Listen, look and learn.

8. The country

I grew up in the countryside and every time I return home I feel inspired, motivated and recharged. Not hearing the noise or seeing the dull colors of the city provides a great contrast to my every day life. Take in the scenery of the countryside and let nature, the stillness of the world, fully embrace you.

9. Your home

We often don’t even see the things that surround us anymore because we’ve gotten so used to them. Give yourself a challenge. Walk around your home and try to notice at least 10 items you totally forget about. This will engage your mind in a fun way.

10. The bus

Instead of plugging in your earphones, listen to what people say. You’ll hear snippets of all kinds of conversations that can build the foundation for new ideas.

11. The grocery store

Look at magazine covers, go through the aisles, observe others and you’ll most likely notice something that’ll inspire your article.

12. The mountains

The crisp air of the mountains, the open space and the silence give your mind a much-needed break from technology, people and daily life. Let the breathtaking view of the mountains inspire you.

13.  The coffee house

Sit down with a book, a Moleskine or simply a cup of your favorite hot drink and listen to other people’s conversations, write or muse. Sometimes just this little change of surroundings engages your senses in a completely different way.

14. The book store

Browsing through new publications or classics and being surrounded by thousands of books will give you more opportunities than you can count to inspire yourself. Let the words of brilliant writers, the beautiful rhymes of poets get under your skin and open your heart to new revelations.

15. The spa

A relaxed, happy and pampered body works much more efficiently than a tired, tense one. Treat yourself to a few stress-reducing hours at the spa and let your thoughts wander effortlessly. You’ll soon feel rejuvenated and ready to change the world with your words.

16. The movies

Intelligent, creative and brilliantly shot movies provide great prompts for all kinds of new thoughts.

17. Your bed

Do I have to say more?

18. The playground

Observing children, seeing them play and laugh, totally immersed in their beautiful little world gives perspective and a much needed break from the seriousness of your daily life. If you feel super brave, join them and play for a while. Experience the world through their eyes and notice how different it looks.

 19. Your grandparents’ home

I love talking to my grandparents and listening to their stories. There’s just so much to learn from them. Soaking up their wisdom, dreaming of a different time, always gives me new ideas.

 20. A foreign country

Traveling invites inspiration almost by definition. Seeing new places, hearing new sounds, speaking new languages, experiencing new foods and simply being away from your routine is a surefire way to a creative explosion.

 21. College

Learn something new, broaden your horizons, listen to lectures of awe-inspiring professors and see how your mind expands.

Be open to connecting with your muse in every circumstance of life. Be intentional about getting away from your computer as often as possible. You’ll see that being outside, spending time with others and simply shaking up your routine will help your work in many fascinating ways.

On to you. What are some places you like to go to inspire yourself?


About the author:

Anne-Sophie Reinhardt is an anorexia survivor, self-love ambassador,  body image expert and the owner of aMINDmedia. She’s the author of The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image and empowers you to achieve a healthier and more successful life by returning to your true purpose and values.

All images courtesy of Bigstockphoto: Fantasy woman, Man at the gym, Woman shopping, On the train platform, At the airport, connectivity on the beach, Above the skyscrapers, Woman walking in the city, Small dog on verandah, Tomatoes, Man on top of mountain, Coffee houseLibrary, Woman with gun, Passionate couple, Playground, Indian Family, College.


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