I came across some questions from bloggers as I was scrolling through Quora:
“What are the most effective ways to promote blogs?”
“What is the best way to increase visibility of my blog without utilizing advertising?”
“What are the best ways to promote a blog post when you have little to no traffic?”
All these questions have a sales pitch with words like promote, advertising, traffic, etc.
They just want some shortcut tips to get traffic and promote their blog (and nothing wrong in this, everyone loves the numbers).
Remember what Brian Clark (@brianclark), a great Content marketer and blogger said,
“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”
And then I found something that made me stop scrolling – a question from a newbie blogger:
“How can I develop a deeper relationship with my readers?”
Only this question talks about two key elements of blogging – readers and relationship.
It’s pretty much impossible to make money from your blog until you earn the reader’s trust. Advertising, promoting content, try selling products or courses – none of it will work.
In Seth Godin’s words,
“If you love writing or making music or blogging or any sort of performing art, then do it. Do it with everything you’ve got. Just don’t plan on using it as a shortcut to making a living.”
If you’re also in the confusion that how to make your blogging more compelling and building relationship with your potential readers.
Email marketing can be your friend!
But don’t see email as a marketing channel, email is a conversation.
Successful bloggers became successful because they understood how important email is in building a close relationship with their audience.
I know if you’re still reading this, it’s because someone who cares.
Bloggers like you are the beautiful spirits, who have the courage to do the work they love and add some value in others life.
The world needs people like you, like us!
I just want to share 20 ACTIONABLE tips which can help you to clear your confusions!
You don’t just want a few tips and tricks, you need to implement these things.
1. Give them a reason to trust you!
Abraham Lincoln said,
“The people when rightly and fully trusted will return the trust.”
If you want to earn your audience’s trust, you MUST provide them a reason to trust you. Social proofs are great ways to show them your credibility.
Customer testimonials, well-known publication logos, certificates and badges, case studies, expert endorsement are the major types of social proofs.
If people know nothing about you, they can’t relate to you. They need to know how popular you are.
See how Kristi Hines, a well-known freelance writer (@kristihines ) shows her certifications and publication logos on her blog:
2. Convert a visitor into your potential subscriber
She comes to your blog and finds your stuff interesting.
What’s next?
You don’t want to ‘lose’ a person who shows interest in your writing – you have to find a way of staying in contact with him/her.
You have a great chance to convert a stranger into your potential subscriber. Strangers can become your best readers.
REMEMBER, if you’re not building an email list and building a relationship with that list, you’re missing a great opportunity, on the table.
But how to do it?
You don’t need to do something out of the world to grab her email address. You already have what you need – Your blog!
YES! The Blog is the best place to collect email address.
But the question is, where you should place your SignUp form?
There are some options:
- Blog sidebar.
- Header or in the menu tab.
- Use your blog footer.
- Middle of the content.
- A pop-up form.
- Welcome gate page.
See how Write to Done uses Pop-up on their blog which offering 7 secrets to improving writing (sounds valuable)!
3. Give them something valuable as a Content Upgrade
Have you written a detailed, and an actionable blog post?
Provide a valuable FREE bonus content as content upgrade, like some additional tips, checklist, or templates, in exchange for an email address.
You can include this Free bonus at the middle and end of the blog post.
Meera Kothand, a well-known blogger and digital marketing strategist (@MeeraKothand) recently published a post and provide a checklist as content upgrade. See below:
4. Use Pinterest to grab more attention and subscribers!
Have you just published a killer visual or infographic on your blog?
Upload it to Pinterest!
Write an actionable description and insert landing page URL. You’re done!
5. Say Thank You like it really matters!
“Thank You”!
These two words have enormous power. We, humans, have a deep-seated need to feel important.
Once she subscribed to your email list, serve her a thank you page. It’s a great opportunity to forward the conversation.
It shows that you care and that they’re dealing with a human.
I subscribed to Leadpages blog newsletter and see how they serve me a thank you page (which also include a webinar invitation, Awesome!)
6. Welcome someone new who has joined your email list!
Take a look at this stats:
“74.4% of consumers expect a welcome email when they subscribe.” (Source)
Building a relationship starts with building trust from your very first email – your welcome email.
It’s the first conversation between you and your new subscriber.
Draft an actionable, interesting, and engaging message which encourage new member of your list to take an action.
Alex Limberg, author of Ride the Pen sent me a welcome message which also included some incentives for me.
7. Craft an irresistible attention grabbing headline!
How do you get your reader’s attention?
How do you encourage your reader to open your email?
Write your subject line an interesting headline that will get your emails to be opened. Keep it short, simple, and specific.
See how Ramit Sethi uses two emotions (benefits and curiosity) in his subject lines to make it interesting and you can’t resist yourself to open his emails.
8. Always put your name in from field to earn trust!
When I receive a message in my inbox, I first look at the from name to see who sent me this message.
Always use your name in your from field. It makes a pattern of trust.
9. Write emails in more human way!
Write your email copy in more natural and human way.
Keep your message simple and use the natural language (or words). Mix some humor.
You can use personalization in your email by addressing your readers by their name.
As Dale Carnegie said in his book, How to win friends and influence people,
“A person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
Here’s an email which I got from Meera Kothand which includes my name and highly personalized & natural content.
10. Be a storyteller
Tell your audience about a problem or some issue through a story.
Your story must have a character (ideally a real person) and write it in the language your readers can visualize and connect easily with your story.
See the below email from Derek Halpern (@derekhalpern), Founder of Social Triggers. This is a perfect example of storytelling.
11. Understand your subscriber’s needs
Recently, I read a quote on FORBES magazine, which I’d like to share with you:
“Clarity comes from engagement, not from thinking about it.” – Marie Forleo
If you want to provide a relevant and engaging information to your readers, which interest them, you must understand their needs and pain points.
And come up with a solution with in the form of article, podcast, webinar, and blog post series.
See the email which I got from Email Monks, they want my feedback to create more helpful content.
12. Offer Opt-in incentives or FREE gift
Provide incentives to make your readers feel special.
Free eBook, checklist, Video, webinar invitation – are the great resources to start.
Recently I got an email from Selena Soo (@selenasoo), a successful entrepreneur which include a Free gift – her special training video.
13. Use the word, “YOU”
Don’t overuse the word “I”, start using “YOU” in your email copy. It helps a person feel they are spoken to.
Take a look at this email copy which I received from Ramit Sethi:
14. Start a relevant and genuine conversation!
No one wants boring messages, your readers don’t have much time to read your boring conversation.
Make your conversation relevant, entertaining and genuine. And always respond back to your reader’s queries. It makes a difference.
Read the below email from Ian Brodie:
15. The C+V+I+F formula
Write engaging emails that will keep your readers aware, and build trust and credibility.
Here’s a formula of engaging email:
Engaging email = Consistent (C) + Value (V) + Interaction (I) + Friendship (F)
- Consistency leads to trust. Send emails regularly to your customers. Make it a commitment
- Add some value in their life by educating and entertaining them with your interesting content.
- Interact with them and start a two-way free flowing conversation.
- Make a friendly connection with your readers.
16. Creating Effective Call to Actions
Call to action (CTA) is the main aspect of an email.
Remember without a good CTA your email is useless. Your email copy MUST have one primary CTA.
It tells readers what you want them to do. Make it clear and actionable.
See this email which I got from Darius Foroux (@DariusForoux) contains a primary CTA but I think this whole paragraph acts as a call to action (what an actionable language)
17. Write a better email sequence
Are you going to launch a new product or course?
Send email sequences that flow one to next like a conversation.
Recently, Derek Halpern launched a premium, but very helpful course, Blog That Converts. Here are email sequences which he sends during the launching:
18. Tie your email to a relevant landing page
See how Ryan Robinson crafts his landing page and closely tie it to his email. The page is matching his email in terms of headline, copy, and content.
19. Add a link to your blog post
Have you just published a blog post and want to send it to your subscribers?
You don’t need to send the full article in your email. Just add some description of your post, then add a link to your post.
See how Robbie Richards shared one of his blog posts in email:
20. Make your opt-out process easy
Someone wants to opt-out from your email list. Make it super easy for the people.
Place unsubscribe link where someone can easily see it. Place it at the bottom of your email.
See how Mary Jaksch (@Mary_Jaksch), editor-in-chief of Write to Done placed the unsubscribe link at the bottom of her email:
THANK YOU for reading this post!
Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please let me know by leaving a comment below, I’d more than happy to hear from you!