If you’re ready to learn how to write a novel, congratulations! You're about...
Science Fiction: The 16 Best Books to Read & Study
Editor's note: Ever thought of writing science fiction? One of the secrets of...
Word Count of Famous Novels (& How Long it Took to Write Them)[Infographic]
Ever needed to know the word count of famous novels? Maybe to work out what...
How to Double Your Chance of Landing a Book Deal (Before You’ve Written a Single Word)
Editor's Note: This is a guest post on landing a book deal by first time...
Kurt Vonnegut & How to Shape an Unforgettable Story
The fundamental idea is that stories have shapes which can be drawn on graph...
How to Make a Book Outline (In Under 1 Easy Hour)
Do you dream of writing a novel but just can't think of how to make a book...
34 First Lines of Famous Books You Wished You’d Written [Infographic]
They seem so effortless, don't they? The first lines of famous books? Unless,...
21 Best Selling Novels of the 21st Century [Infographic]
Wouldn't it be amazing to have written one of the best selling novels of the...
The Anatomy of a Bestselling Novel [Infographic]
Is it really possible to write a bestselling novel to order? To break down its...
Why Hemingway’s Advice is Outdated (And What to do Instead)
In 1929, the literary world changed forever. Hemingway’s A Farewell to...
The Secret to Writing a Memoir People Want to Read
Have you ever thought of writing a memoir? No? Well, I hadn’t either. I never...
How to Use Freewriting to Supercharge Your Work
Memory is one of the writer’s most valuable resources.Using strong, vivid...
18 Famous Writers & Their Weird & Wonderful Work Habits
We all love to read classic works by famous writers. Apart from being great...
Writing Advice- What You Need To Know To Write a Fiction Story
Fiction writing is an art. It’s out an out creativity and the gift of deep...
How To Write Short Stories: 20 Tips From The Greats
You want to write. But you don't know what to write about. If this sounds...
How to Write a Great Story (And Know It’s Great)
You want to write a great story within 24 hours, right? Of course, but how do...
The 7 Best Pens For Writing
Did you know that you can purchase some of the best pens for writing without breaking the bank? Yes, pens can definitely be a costly purchase, but if you’re looking for both a comfortable and affordable writing tool, we have you covered. In addition to the...
How to Find Freelance Writing Work (2024 Guide)
Freelance writing is a great way to earn some extra money on the side. But as you may discover once you get a foothold in the industry, it’s more than possible to turn it into a full-time job and lifelong career. There are some hurdles that you have to overcome,...
Hero’s Journey In Nonfiction: 4 Steps To Spectacular Writing
The hero’s journey is a classic story structure that has been used for centuries. This timeless storytelling technique encompasses the three core aspects of a protagonist’s journey. Using it in fiction often seems like common sense, but the secret is to use it in...
How To Find A Good Reading Chair + 7 Of Our Favorites
When you first become a passionate reader, you might not understand the importance of a good reading chair. It will only take a few weeks or months of reading for your body to figure out that sitting in something comfortable that supports your posture is essential to...
31 Ways to Find Inspiration for Your Writing
You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. - Jack London No matter how much you love writing, there will always be days when you need inspiration from one muse or another. In fact, I would argue that inspiration is not just a desirable...
Then you need KDP Rocket – the killer advantage of pro authors.