28 Figure Of Speech Examples

28 Figure Of Speech Examples

Storytelling is a different kind of writing. Often, voice trumps grammar. Of course, your writing needs to be easily understood by the reader, but it’s crucial that the voice of your writing is strong.  Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, both genres employ...
How to Start Writing (4 Simple Steps)

How to Start Writing (4 Simple Steps)

The action of actually writing, putting your fingers over the keyboard and typing, or grabbing that pen and putting words down on paper, is only part of what it means to be a writer.  Writing is staring out the window, lost in thought.  Writing is...
How to Create a Winning Writing Portfolio

How to Create a Winning Writing Portfolio

You’re here because you write. You write because you love words. You love combining them to create sentences. You love writing for yourself, and you love writing for others. And now you have quite a bit of writing. You’ve put in the work. You have your writing...