by Doug Armey | Jul 11, 2015 | Become a Top Blogger
Don’t you want the best headline for your post? You write a great post. Obviously, you want it to go viral. Then you give your post a headline and watch it drift into the internet nether world. Headlines are critical if you want your...
by Doug Armey | Jul 5, 2010 | Become a Top Blogger, Tips
“Without the commentary in my mind, I could gather myself in silence of body and mind, and then explode into action from within that deep silence.” Mary Jaksch David, a 3rd degree black belt in karate, was standing across from me ready to attack. It was one of my...
by Doug Armey | Jun 12, 2010 | Become a Top Blogger
Some singers want the audience to love them. I love the audience. ~ Luciano Pavarotti Luciano Pavarotti was one of the most beloved singers of our age. He sang with a clear tenor voice combined with a commanding stage presence that enthralled his audiences. He was...