by James Chartrand | Nov 17, 2016 | Tips
There are eight million posts on how to write a great headline, how to write a fantastic call to action, and how to write a good blog post. We’ll even tell you how to write shorter sentences, snappier copy and better ebooks. But you know what none of us tell...
by James Chartrand | Sep 27, 2016 | Become a Top Blogger
Do you spend enough time writing? I’m not talking about tapping away on the keyboard. I’m talking about the number of hours you spend on any given post. Here’s the problem: too many writers still believe they can whip out a post in an hour or two....
by James Chartrand | Jan 30, 2014 | How to Write Copy
Want to capture an audience’s attention? It’s more a matter of what you don’t do than you think. As children, when we learn to speak our language, we’re also learning to argue. Nearly everything our parents say to us is a correction, an...
by James Chartrand | May 4, 2012 | Become a Top Blogger
How is your writing motivation? You know the deal: If you want to get better at writing, you need to write. Preferably daily. Preferably at the same time every day. But uuuuuugh. What if you’re just not motivated to write every day? What if you can’t...
by James Chartrand | Mar 15, 2012 | Tips
Confidence is key to effortless writing. You know that; I know that. And yet, sadly, writers tell me all the time that confidence is one of their biggest struggles. They’re unsure of their skills. Is the work good enough? They hesitate and get stuck in the...