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The Most Important Marketing Decision You’ll Make as an Author

In this post, I want to share with you the step-by-step process I followed to get a very rough idea out of my head and onto paper and how I refined it into a compelling argument and title. I want to share with you what I learned and why I will be using this process...

How to Write Suspense Like Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock was dubbed the ‘Master of Suspense’ because his films, many adapted from novels, short stories and plays, were masterful at building suspense and tension in the minds of the audience or reader. But what is suspense? It could be described as the...

Boost Your Productivity: Getting to the Core of Your Distractions

Let’s face it. We all know what things distract us during the day. Some of us just can’t stay off social media or check our phones for messages or emails every five minutes. Others get partway through writing a page and notice the floor needs sweeping or the dirty...

Every Journey Starts With One Step

There’s a reason you’ve never started that big project. There’s a reason you’ve never built your side hustle, written a comic book, started a company, sold T-shirts, self published epic fantasy novels or founded a VC firm. It’s because doing those is recognizably...

7 Common Writing Mistakes That Will Stop You Finishing Your Book

It’s exciting, isn’t it? Writing your first book and then sending the final version to your editor and later it being available (and SELLING!) on stores like Amazon. The months (or even years) of hard work are over, and now you can watch with pride as your...


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